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Friday 29 November 2013

Kemi Omololu Olunloyo Has Been Lieing About Bianca Ojukwu!!! *MUST READ*

Yikes! if you miss reading this  then you have missed big time! It was released by a group of Kemi's Classmate back then in London and published on the forum Nairaland. The article is tittled; "Is Kemi Omololu Olunloyo Nigeria's Worst Liar?". Read the interesting piece below;

   Ever since kemi omololu olunloyo made herself an internet troll, abusing everybody from god almighty himself to bishop adeboye to bianca ojukwu and tiwa savage, i have wondered how Nigerian journalists can continue to let her get away with so many lies.

The first lie is her year of birth. Kemi was born in 1963. Her later amendment to 1964 was to erase the academic year she lost after having an accident that is used to cover the fact that she was never a normal child. So kemi is 50 years old.
      the second lie is that she had a privileged teenage life in England. That is a complete lie. Kemi did all her primary and secondary school in Nigeria but due to her unstable character her parents had to change her schools frequently.
      when she was about 18 years old, her parents sent her to modes study in the uk and she lasted less than a year in the u.k.
When she arrived in the u.k., kemi was unfamiliar with deoderant and her nauseating body odour was a nightmare to all who came across her and she was in fact an embarrassment who everybody shunned. Her claim of being 'famous' for sleeping with ojora, saraki, segun cole etc is pure fantasy. She was available to anyone willing to overlook her body odour and there were many desperate yoruba students willing to use her but not be seen with her. Kemi was not the cool teenager she is trying so hard to portray- she was in fact, an embarrassing adult with a body odor problem and a thick yoruba accent that would make 'jenifa' sound enlightened. She did not fit in at modes and did not fit in with the enlightened british or elite Nigerians.
      any story she cooks up about her 1 year u.k. stay is the exact opposite of the truth. She was a miserable smelly outcast and her unstable mental state did not help.
Being unable to cope with the difficult British curriculum, kemi did not make any useful academic gains in the one year she spent in the u.k. and her father shipped her off to the USA where the academic requirements were a lot easier because in those days, Americans used multiple choice exams for everything. That is the only way kemi was able to have any higher education even though she truncated it by getting pregnant and having a child in between.
In the u.s.a., kemi's stay was problematic and her study of pharmacy was mainly a way for her to access the drugs she needed without getting a prescription. Her 6 month stint at cvs was possibly the only real job kemi has ever had.
With the internet revolution kemi decided to borrow from hitler's strategy of using information to create a new reality and went on to study media and ict. This is what has enabled kemi to force herself on the consciousness of Nigerians and she has made it her duty to always get media attention by going anywhere there is a crisis and putting herself in the middle.
She believes that bad press is as good as good press because people get to know you that way.
Unfortunately, her violent tendencies have always got the better of her and this was displayed when she took to biting her second son so badly that the u.s. authorities had to take the child away from her and till date she has no access to that child. She was charged with cruelty to a minor when she threw her child out of her car and abandoned him in the snow. This led to her jumping bail and running to canada and seeking asylum.
While seeking asylum she decided to style herself as a fighter of gun crime but despite all her effort to use the media to create a channel to keep her in Canada, she was deported to Nigeria.
Here in Nigeria, she has made herself an internet troll and attacks anyone who is clearly famous for having a talent of any kind.
Her attacks on nkiru sylvanus, linda , oby ezekwesi and more recently bianca ojukwu and tiwa savage show a pathological maniac who can only destroy. The fact that she does not in fact know these people does not stop her. She has nothing to lose so she can say anything online and fabricate any lie to destroy anyone because Nigerian journalists do not bother to research any claim she makes.

Kemi omololu does not know nkiru sylvanus except on screen and it was the fact that nkiru got a job in government, something kemi has been dreaming of for so long, that made her attack nkiru sylvanus. She also hates igbo people.
Her hatred of oby ezekwesi is anothe example of attacking an educated igbo woman who is doing well and who has been at the heart of government in a powerful position. By slurring oby ezekwesi with horrible claims about her paternity, going so far as to claim she was of yoruba extraction, she betrayed her venomous tribalism at its highest. Kemi, a woman with 4 children for 4 different men whom she cannot identify, had the audacity to attack someone else s parentage.
Kemi certainly does not know bianca ojukwu - another educated powerful igbo woman who has risen to become a party leader. Kemi's obsession with bianca has been long-standing on the internet with several posts abusing both her and ojukwu and it is clear that if she had ever known her in the u.k. she would have said it long ago. She just piggy backed on fani kayode's madness to jump in and get some attention by saying the most outrageous thing she could imagine in her sick mind.
Kemi was not friends with saraki and co. In fact, saraki would rather stay in kiri kiri for a year than ever agree that he had anything to do with kemi. Saraki, ojora, cole etc were people she desperately wanted to marry her but their own pedigree was far beyond her own and one thing yoruba people do well is marry according to strict social status. Kemi's pedigree is far too low for saraki, ojora, lanre tejousho etc to touch her. All she is trying to do is climb the social ladder and it cannot work. Anyone who knows yoruba society knows she is nowhere near the social status of the scions of yoruba society.
Agu irukwu who she mentioned in her list of famous couples she knew was not part of London society but was based at a university in the west midlands. It is her usual obsession with famous people that has made her include agu irukwu on her list of people she knew. Pastor agu was never part of any London crowd and in any case, kemi was not part of any london crowd. No such crowd existed. Her one year stay in England was at a tutorial college for adults up to 22 years old who could not fit into normal schools. Her focus on pastor agu irukwu is due solely to his very high status in the uk and she has never met him.

She is desperate for all the people she mentioned to come out and start denying they know her so that she will get publicity by force. That is why they have all agreed not to grace her claims with any answer.

Her only friend appears to be fani kayode, another social outcast whose peculiar challenges with drugs are well known but even fani kayode has been known to say that kemi can be used to do anything for the smallest amount of cash inducement. They both thrive on bad publicity and operate the same scam of using the media to try to create a brand for themselves and keep themselves in the public eye. However, fani kayode has no respect for her and often makes disparaging comments about her in public. However the two of them have too much in common and nothing more needs to be said.
In recent times, kemi has tried everything to get attention and that means attacking famous people by slinging as much mud as her warped mind can imagine. This is just a way to get attention and she hopes someone will take her to court so she will finally be in the public mainframe.

She has tried to turn her poverty into a positive spin by claiming that she is the only Nigerian 'public figure' that takes public transportation. However, it is a simple lack of finances that makes kemi take buses and keke napep and her fights with bus conductors in ibadan over bus fares are so routine that many bus drivers prefer not to pick her up.
Her father has no control over her but cannot throw her out. Her siblings shun her and are embarrassed by her and that is why there is no picture of her with any other member of her family except her long-suffering father.
Her abnormal obsession with sex is due to the non-availability of normal partners willing to be with her and this has resulted in all sorts of lunatic exposes about her intimate perversions online.
This is a short summary of the worst liar in Nigeria who uses her media skills to put a spin on anything. She has many aliases online but cannot hide herself for long.
I urge all Nigerians to take everything she posts as a lie. Tiwa savage has done nothing other than find a man to call a husband, something that kemi desperately wants but cannot have. She has advertised her desperate hunger for a husband and has even told the world that she has been celibate for 7 years (except for her trusted romance-machine) but no man is taking the bait.
    Kemi should tell the world why her life consists of always trying to tear down good famous people who are doing well. Tiwa is beautiful, talented and happy. Tiwa will be having a real wedding. Tiwa will know the real father of her children. Tiwa has a future. Kemi is washed up. She is a failure.
    Nigerians should refer to her as the failure at 50. She is a deportee. She is jobless. She is talentless. She has no car. No husband. No visa to any country, no future and she is facing a future with nothing other than the crumbs she gathers from different sources.
But worst of all, kemi is a pathological liar and an internet troll. She is a national disgrace.

I thank all kemi's classmates who contributed to this post and it feels good to expose this wicked woman who has lied and lied and lied to Nigerians. No hiding place again for kemi omololu olunloyo - the wanabee aje-butter