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Thursday, 19 September 2013

6 Little-Known Benefits Of Being Single

Single? Here’s why you should be jumping up and down.
Despite what the rom-coms might have us believe, living the single life isn’t always such a cakewalk. You eat your feelings in chocolate while watching The Bachelor, it seems like all of your friends are getting engaged and flashing their rings in your face (or newsfeed), you’re tired of the annoyingly concerned looks you get from your grandma when you show up to another holiday without a steady ⁠boyfriend⁠, and and I won’t even get started on all the ⁠stark statistics ⁠about couples who are allegedly leading these healthy, love-filled lives.
But when you stop and think about it, there are undeniable perks to being single. So, here are benefits of swinging solo that will have you rejoicing over your hiatus from the ⁠dating⁠ pool.
1. You Stay Trim And Fit
When we get comfortable in our relationships, we tend to get a little too comfortable in our diets. In a UK ⁠study⁠, 62 percent of couples surveyed said they gained weight after committing to a serious relationship. Guess all those dinner dates and cuddle seshes pack on the pounds. Meanwhile, you’re at get-together impressing that cute stranger with your dance moves. Which sounds better to you?
2. You Have A Healthier Social Life
We’ve all had that one friend who ditched you for their newly-nabbed significant other. Annoying, right? Well, it turns out you may be better off unattached. It’s no secret that couples can have a hard time making new friends and research shows that married people are less attentive to their family, friends and neighbors. In fact, in a Journal of Marriage and Family ⁠study⁠ published last year, researchers found that both men and women spent less time with friends and family than they did when they were single. So don’t ditch your girls on singles night at the karaoke bar!
3. You’re Less Likely To Drink
Think all of those fruity cocktails on Singles Night with the girls are taking their toll on you? You might be surprised to hear that you’re more likely to drink married than you are solo. At least, that’s what one ⁠study⁠ claims: married women consumed more drinks than long-term divorced or recently widowed women.
4. You Have A Better Shot At That New Job (And Are Less Likely To Be Overworked)
If you are in the job market, your unattached status may give your application a boost! According to ⁠CNNMoney⁠, companies are snagging up more singles. And when you do earn that position, you’re less likely to be overworked. You’re more willing to endure a crazy commute, long meetings and even longer hours, when you have a spouse (and possibly, kids) who are depending on you. According to, married people work more overtime than single people (33 percent vs. 26 percent). In particular, 43 percent of married men work over 40 hours in a week compared to 29 percent of single men and 24 percent of single women.
5. You Can Get A Good Night’s Sleep
The ⁠jury is still out⁠ on whether couples are better off sleeping together or apart, but sleeping alone has its benefits! That’s right. No waking up to loud snores, sheet-stealing, sleep-walking or late night-snacking. Just you and your sweet dreams of ⁠Ryan Gosling⁠.
6. You Have Less Money Worries
It’s true that you don’t have a dual income and the benefits of tax breaks being single, but any relationship is an investment. Think about it: all those dinners dates, anniversary getaways, and a walk down the aisle — along with flowers, catering and booking the venue — will run you thousands of dollars easily. And finances have been proven to be one of the biggest cause of fights among couples, according to a ⁠survey⁠ from the American Institute of CPAs. When you’re unattached, so is your wallet. So go ahead: buy that pair of designer heels

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